How To Prevent Acne- 5 Tips From Experts | Dr Paul’s

Acne is not a teenage problem anymore as both adults and even middle-aged people are suffering from it. Acne is a common skin concern that doesn’t cause any severe health issues but can impact your self-esteem. Besides acne, the scar left by it is ever more dreadful as it affects the aesthetics of your face and hides the prominent features. There are several skin clinics available that provide acne scar treatment in Kolkata , but you should always choose the certified clinic and go for a broad spectrum dermatologist to treat this particular skin concern. But before going to a clinic, you must change your skincare rituals which might aid the issue and cause more breakouts. So, whether you want to go for clinical treatment for acne scar treatment in Kolkata or want some in-home medication you need to understand the daily habits that contribute to the problem. So change the following habits that are causing breakouts and acne scars. Habits That Causing Acne These are some...