Different Types Of Acne Scarring And The Available Treatment Options!


Most of us have gone through those troubled teen years when we started to discover new changes in our bodies and faces. And one such change that has troubled us a lot is the sudden breakouts or blemishes. In medical terminology, this is known as acne vulgaris. But apart from the teen or pre-teen phase, acne problems can occur among young adults too. It is commonly called adult acne. You must have heard that acne or pimples usually occur in oily skin. This statement is partially true as it can be seen in any skin type and among a vast number of people irrespective of gender. Acne is caused due to a variety of underlying issues which need to be diagnosed and treated by a certified medical practitioner or more precisely by a dermatologist. It should never be treated on your own or by using any over the counter product. Besides breakouts, acne also causes scarring of the skin which affects patients’ self-esteem. You can find numerous options to treat acne but before opting for one let’s understand what acne scarring is and what are the causes & treatment options available.

What Is Acne Scarring?

Acne does not always leave a mark if it is mild to moderate but if marks appear as it heals then it is likely to fade away with time. But people with severe acne tend to suffer from permanent scarring when it begins to heal. Mild to moderate acne leaves brown or pink spots whereas cystic acne tends to form permanent scarring and it is more likely to appear due to picking or scratching so this is what one should avoid.

Different Types Of Acne Scars

These are the type of acne scars that are commonly seen, have a look into it

Atrophic Scar

These scars are caused just below the top layer of the skin which appears to be flat with a shallow depression. It is generally caused by severe cystic acne.

Atrophic scars depend on the person’s medical history of acne. A person having more severe acne will have more prominent atrophic scarring.

Atrophic scars are of three types as

Boxcar Scar

These are box box-like scars with sharp edges mostly formed at thicker regions of the face like at the lower cheeks or the jawline.

These are caused by chickenpox acne or certain rashes causing viruses like varicella.

Causes: This scar is caused by inflammatory acne. The collagen is lost due to this acne-causing bacteria and the skin doesn’t get proper support as a result it sinks and creates depression. Boxcar scars can be severe to moderate.

Available Treatment Options: These scars can be treated using punch grafting and punch elevation methods. In the later process, the skin is elevated to maintain the level.

A popular method is a dermal filler which is injected within the skin to create and maintain the level. Dermal fillers are the best treatment options for boxcar scars, though it is not permanent but can produce outstanding results. The result can last up to two years depending on the individual’s physical parameters.

Another method which is widely practised in our clinic too is laser resurfacing. It stimulates new collagen production and gives you a better texture and gradually fades away the scar. The additional benefit is it provides beautiful and flawless skin.

Sometimes procedures like microdermabrasion or chemical peel are also performed if the scarring is moderate. These two processes give good results and make your skin look brighter & younger.

Rolling Scar

It makes the skin uneven with sloping edges. The skin of the affected area becomes wavy.

Causes: It is generally caused by severe acne vulgaris conditions when a fibrous band of tissue develops beneath the subcutaneous tissue. This band pulls the epidermis by giving rise to an uneven and rolling appearance.

Available Treatment Options: The best treatment option available for this type is subcision. It is a surgical procedure that requires local anaesthesia and is treated under strict medical supervision. A needle is inserted to cut the fibrous band and the skin appears to be smooth.

Ice pick scars

These are much narrower & smaller ones. It points down to the surface of the skin. It is widely seen in the cheek region. Ice picked scars that are very persistent and hard to treat. It requires a very aggressive form of medical treatment.

Causes: It is caused when cystic acne turns infectious and the skin tissue is destroyed leaving behind a deep column like a scar.

Available Treatment Option: There are very few options available to treat this scar and the best option is punch excision. In this process, the dermatologist will cut out the scar with a small cookie cutter like tool and then the skin is left to heal.

Another method is punch grafting. It is also a cosmetic process that is done on a bigger area where the scar is deeper. After the removal of the scar tissue, the gap is filled with a graft of skin through the process of skin grafting.

Both these processes can leave a small unnoticeable mark which is better than the actual acne scars.

Hypertrophic Scars

It is also known as keloid scars. In this type of scarring the tissue forms raised lumps. The scar tissue usually formed from previous acne wounds.

Causes: They are caused by the formation of too much collagen during the process of healing as the skin isn’t able to realise the exact amount of collagen required and continues to overproduce

Available Treatment Option: Keloid or hypertrophic scars can be treated by either using topical medicine or by undergoing chemical procedures depending Upon the severity of the situation.

Ointments like steroids, silicone gel, and creams can be prescribed after examining the condition. For more aggressive scar treatment, we recommend laser therapy or cryotherapy.

The Takeaway

Acne Scars don’t have any serious medical effects but can affect our self-esteem. You can find a variety of acne scar treatments in Kolkata but it is best to look for a certified clinic like ours.


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