Pros and Cons of Hair Transplant

 Are you worried about hair fall or thinning of hair? Hair transplantation is adding more hair when you are experiencing hair thinning; it is a process in which healthy hair follicles are collected from one area of the scalp and transplanted into another to fill up the areas to cover baldness. Hair transplantation surgery is said to be effective. If you are experiencing hair loss or baldness, an expert in Kolkata can graft hair to the balding area.

Hair loss or thinning often leads to balding, a condition with partial or complete hair loss. This can bring down the confidence level resulting in low self-esteem. However, many treatments can restore your hair, the most common being the hair transplantation treatment. Several factors cause hair loss. If you are losing significant amounts of hair, you need to consult a professional for hair transplant in Kolkata and seek their guidance. 

What Are The Reasons For Hair Loss? 

There are some reasons for hair loss, such as genetics, hereditary hair loss, hormonal changes, infection in the scalp, and many more. Therefore, it is crucial to get down to the bottom of why you are losing hair before the doctors can plan the treatment. Losing around 50 strands of hair is normal. However, some symptoms point towards balding are as follows: 

  • Bald patches around the scalp,

  • Gradual thinning of hair or thinner ponytails.

  • A hairline that recedes steadily

  • Widening of the partition

Emotional distress to hereditary conditions, there are plenty of factors that come into play in hair loss and balding, some of which includes 

●     Suppose you have a family history in which balding is very common. In that case, you are most likely to experience hair loss and balding, usually called Androgenetic alopecia or male/ female pattern baldness. 

●     Stress is another factor that causes hair loss. Hair follicles go into shock during stressful times and decrease hair production. Loss of hair can be naturally reversed if the stressful period is over. 

●     Another contributor to hair loss is hormonal imbalances like PCOS/PCOD, thyroid, etc., and pregnancies, which can alter hormones. 

●     Hair loss can be affected by medical conditions as well as by their treatments. For example, cancer patients lose a lot of hair during chemotherapy because of the heavy steroids. In addition, putting your hair through cosmetic treatments can cause hair loss. 

Today, there are many hair restoration treatments; the most effective is hair transplantation in Kolkata.

What Are Hair Transplant Treatments?

There are multiple options like PRP Hair Loss Treatment, laser treatment, stem cell therapy, hair regrowth treatment, and so on. However, the most effective that has stood the test of time is the hair transplant treatment.

Hair transplantation is an invasive surgical process where healthy hair follicles are taken from a hairy part of the body and planted in areas that don't have hair follicles. Grafting is the widely used process of transplantation; dermatologists use a round punch graft to pick out skin cells with healthy hair follicles from the donor site and transplant them to the recipient site.

There are two prevalent methods by which hair transplantation is carried out:

  1. Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS)

  2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

 What Are The Pros and Cons of Hair Transplant?

 Hair transplantation is a practical, long-lasting solution, but you should know the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.

Advantages - 

●     An individual's hair is used in the process; hair transplantation is the procedure that involves your hair follicles from a hairy part. The hair is collected from one place and used on the site of balding. Thus, the aesthetics of the hair is uniform and consistent throughout the head. It helps to build your confidence. 

●     The original hair strands and those transplanted are of the same texture, color, and density. The implanted hair follicles will start growing for the entire lifecycle. 

●     Hair transplantation provides a natural look. Your hair is used to fill in the bald patches on your scalp. You will get a natural, youthful look. Hair restoration brings a significant change in your appearance. Surgeons place tiny grafts on the scalp to regrow a natural head of hair. Since the recipient and the donor are the same, the hair looks natural. Getting a hair transplantation in Kolkata will restore your youth & look.  

●     Transplantation is a straightforward process; it does not involve pre- and post-op procedures. Local anesthesia is administered during the process and is usually done in one sitting. A hair transplant takes about four hours. You will not feel any pain or irritation during the surgery. So, there is no tension about constantly visiting the hair clinics to get more sessions. 

●      There is no special treatment; unlike other cosmetic-based hair treatments, your transplanted hair does not require any special treatment. Hair transplant procedures are carried out using one's hair follicles. Usually, the transplanted hair easily blends with the existing hair. You can easily wash, style, and color your hair how it suits you. 

●     Hair transplants are completely safe procedures. It does not involve any chemicals or medicines that can cause damage to your hair follicles. Hair transplantation is a method to give you a very natural look. 

Disadvantages - 

●     One of the most apparent disadvantages is its high cost. The hair transplant surgeries are costly. 

●     Hair transplant treatments involve a more extended recovery period. The transplanted area usually takes about 8 to 10 months to recover completely. During this time, you must stick to the post-operative instructions given by your dermatologists. 

●     The hair transplantation results depend on the quality of follicles from the donor site. The healthier the strands, the better the results of the transplant. One can only expect desirable results if the quality of the donor follicles is not strong.  

●     The person getting a transplant must possess good health. This is important in the case of Androgenetic Alopecia which is caused by genetic conditions. 

●     Again, sometimes, you may not get back your old hairline with hair transplantation. The implanted follicles can be placed between the old and the current hairline which may seem odd. 

●     The surgery may leave minor scars on some parts of the follicular insertion sites. These scars are usually not noticeable, but there is a slight risk of improper healing. 

●     Chances of getting an infection are possible. The options are high if you leave the area open after the surgery. If there are infections or excess bleeding, you should consult the dermatologist. The risk of nerve damage in the donor area is a common problem. 

●     After the surgery, your scalp and hair won't return to normal. Your scalp will remain tender for a considerable amount of time and can be painful. You must take good care of your hair until your scalp heals completely. 

Hair loss can be cured by taking proper medications, taking good care of your diet, and finding ways to combat stress. If you want to know about the cost of a hair transplant, Dr Pauls in Kolkata can provide you with successful and affordable treatment with EMI options. Moreover, hair transplant in Kolkata is risk-free and cost-effective, and you can have fuller and thicker hair.


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