What Is A Hair Transplant And How Does It Work?


A Hair transplantation in kolkata is performed to add extra hair to balding or thinning areas of the head. Taking hair from other areas of the body or thicker parts of the scalp is required when grafting hair onto a balding or thinning area of the scalp.

Around 50% of women and 60% of men face hair loss problems globally. To address this, people frequently utilize over-the-counter remedies, many of which are hazardous. However, a hair transplant is a safe alternative to treat your hair loss issue. So, now let’s look at the factors that show whether the hair transplant is effective.

Are hair transplants effective?

Generally speaking, hair transplants are more effective than over-the-counter hair restoration solutions. However, there are a few considerations to consider:

  • Between 10 and 80 percent of the transplanted hair will return fully in an estimated three to four months.
  • The transplanted hair will thin with time, just like natural hair does.
  • Although plasma therapy may assist up to 75% or more of the transplanted hairs entirely regrowing, those with dormant hair follicles (sacs beneath the skin that typically contain hair but no longer generate hair) may have fewer successful transplants.
  • Hair Transplants in Kolkata are mostly used to regrow hair in cases where it has been lost due to an injury, balding, or thinning naturally.

How exactly does a hair transplant operate?

A hair transplant generally involves taking your existing hair and transplanting it to a bald spot. Although it’s commonly extracted from the back of your skull, it can also come from different body areas.

Your surgeon sterilizes the region where the hair will be taken and numbs it with a topical anesthetic before beginning the transplant. To fall asleep throughout the treatment, you can alternatively ask for medication. Then, your doctor will use the FUT or FUE hair transplant in kolkata technique.

FUT: Follicular Units Transplanting-

FUT is sometimes referred to as “follicular unit strip surgery.” For example, your surgeon will carry out a FUT operation by doing the following:

  • Typically, the surgeon will use a knife to cut away a portion of your scalp from the back of your head. The strip is typically 6 to 10 inches long and can extend from ear to ear.
  • The wound where the scalp was removed is closed with stitches.
  • With the aid of a knife, your surgeon and their associates cut the scalp strip into smaller pieces.
  • The component may be divided into 2,000 smaller pieces or grafts. These grafts sometimes have one hair in them.

Your specific treatment strategy will be based on:

  • Your hair’s texture.
  • Size of the surgical site.
  • Hair qualities, including hair thickness.
  • Hair color.

FUE: Follicular Unit Extraction-

To do a FUE operation, your surgeon follows these steps:

  • On the back of your head, they shave their hair.
  • Afterward, the surgeon removes a few hair follicles from the scalp skin. Every follicle that was extracted will leave minute marks.
  • Similar to the FUT procedure, the surgeon makes a series of tiny incisions in your scalp before inserting hair follicles.
  • The surgical site is next bandaged or covered with gauze.

Recovery procedure:

FUT and FUE can be finished in a few hours or days. This partially depends on the surgeon’s level of effort. On the day of the procedure, you will leave for home.

Any bandages are carefully removed by your surgeon after the procedure. Triamcinolone may be injected into the area by your surgeon to decrease any potential swelling.

The transplant site and the area where the hair was removed will probably be painful or irritated. Your surgeon may advise the following during the next few days:

  • Prescription painkillers like ibuprofen (Advil).
  • Medications for infection prevention.
  • Anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling, such as an oral steroid.

Here are some suggestions for post-hair transplantation care:

  • After the operation, wait a few days before washing your hair. Only use gentle shampoos throughout the first few weeks.
  • In around 3 days, you ought to be ready to resume your job or other regular activities.
  • Avoid using a brush or comb on the fresh grafts for around three weeks.
  • Until your doctor gives the all-clear, avoid wearing headgear, pullover shirts, or jackets.
  • Stop working out for about a week.

After taking the hair transplant in Kolkata, if some hairs fall out, don’t be concerned. This is a stage in the procedure. For a few months, transplanted hair might not grow significantly or blend in with the surrounding hair flawlessly. But things will only improve over time.


So, after going through everything, no one can resist getting this hair transplant in Kolkata and enjoying the satisfaction of having lovely, completely grown hair on their scalps. But now, you must be wondering where you can have this hair transplant treatment without any stress. So, for such people, Dr. Paul’s advanced hair and skin solutions are just a perfect option. So, do not forget to contact Dr. Paul’s advanced hair and skin solutions today.


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