Balding In Your 20’s? Is This A Serious Concern?

 Are you in your 20s and experiencing thin hair? We all believe that balding is an issue that mostly strikes in the middle age, but the reality differs. Male pattern baldness can trigger from an early age and develop into a severe problem with time. But don't worry; due to technological advancements in hair & skin solutions, treatments are now available to regain hair growth if you notice your hair is becoming thin or there are some patches on your head without any growth. 

Experienced Trichologists from the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata suggest various hair restoration treatments that can help you regain a fuller head. The efficient team of surgeons has adopted innovative nonsurgical and surgical methods that can assist you in restoring your hair, making you look younger again. 

Hair loss is a severe issue which can make you lose your self-esteem. Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, can affect both men and women in their teenage years or their twenties. Women, too, can have a receding hairline in the crown area and the front of the scalp, making them look older. 

The question arises: What are the probable causes behind hair loss in the twenties?

  • Hereditary Condition: 

Male pattern baldness is hereditary and can trigger hair loss in the early twenties. Women, too, are sometimes affected by this severe condition. And face hair loss. 

  • Inadequate Nutrition: 

Hair reflects our overall health. If you are not getting the proper nutrients, you can experience hair thinning. Proper nutritious food is essential for healthy hair growth.

  • Stress & Lifestyle: 

Excessive stress and leading a lousy lifestyle can cause follicles to enter a rest phase. People may notice hair falling when they are combing or washing their hair. Some people can have hair fall just by pulling their hair out. This condition is aggravated by stress. Bald patches can appear on the scalp.

  • Trauma: 

Going through trauma can be a reason for hair loss. Some people face severe hair fall. It can lead to many hair & skin related issues. Skin and hair are most affected by trauma.

  • Medical Conditions: 

You can experience hair loss due to the side effects of various medical conditions. If you have thyroid or polycystic ovary syndrome, these conditions can trigger hair thinning. People who undergo chemotherapy can have hair thinning problems. 

  • Hormones: 

We all have hormones in our body, and imbalances of hormones can also trigger hair loss in both men & women. This can trigger hair loss.

What Kind of Solutions Can Help?

Dr Pauls Online is one of most effective hair transplant clinics in Kolkata, where experienced surgeons offer personalized hair loss treatments. The skilled trichologists will prescribe some tests and review the medical & family history to find out the real cause of your hair thinning. The details will help create effective hair restoration treatments that will suit your hair loss issue accordingly. 

A brief look into some treatments provided by the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata :

PRP Option: 

Those experiencing hair loss in their teens or twenties can go for platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP therapy. In this treatment, platelets are taken from the blood and injected into the thinning areas. The platelets stimulate the cell production and help to increase the growth of hair. 


Sometimes, if your hair loss condition is not that severe, doctors can prescribe oral or topical medicines. These medicines can promote hair growth and you may see bald patches getting covered by newly grown hair on the scalp. And you can have natural hair again. 

Cutting-Edge Laser Treatment: 

Many dermatologists are now using laser treatment to help their patients regain hair growth. This cutting edge technology is very popular nowadays. It is especially because of the outcome of such treatment procedures.

Hair Transplant: 

You can get natural permanent hair, thanks to hair transplant surgery. Dermatologists can place the hairs in the thinning or bald areas for effective results. The hair transplants will help you cover the bald scalp. Dermatologists often combine medicines and surgery to slow the process of losing hair.

Seek Help From Professional Experts: 

Dr. Paul's Advanced Hair & Skin Solutions is one of the best hair transplant clinics in Kolkata. It offers personalized treatment solutions that can meet individual needs. If you are concerned about your look and are considering getting aesthetic treatments to enhance your self-esteem, Dr. Pauls Online will be your guiding light. Get in touch with us to book a consultation.


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