Probable Side Effects After A Hair Transplant Treatment


Men or women who gradually have sparse or thinning hair have the same dream: to get a hair transplant. Hair transplant treatment is a safe procedure that can help to regain your lost self esteem that people face due to their baldness or thinning of the hair. 

The demand for hair transplant in Kolkata is increasing day-by-day. It has now become a standard procedure. However, the effectiveness of hair transplantation can differ from person to person. As it involves surgery, there is a risk of certain complications. But, the severity of the complication can differ. 

One of the safe ways to counter the side effects is to choose the right hair transplant clinic and consult a competent dermatologist. Dr. Pauls Online conducts the best hair transplant in Kolkata. The experienced and skilled hair care professionals will perform the surgery carefully and with precision. If you follow the doctor's instructions, the chances of infection decrease and the efficiency of the transplantation process increases. 

Probable Complications After The Procedure

After the completion of the surgical process, people start to recover gradually. It is in this phase that they experience some side effects. The complications that arise are prevalent, but some are unusual. However, the probability of complications decreases with proper care and consultation with the surgeon. After the surgery, people should take extra hair care to minimize the risks and side effects. 

Here are some short and long term side effects of hair transplantation.  

Short-Term Adverse Effects Of The Hair Transplant

Itching: If patients face itching problems, doctors recommend special medicated shampoos to stop the itching. Patients are advised not to scratch the scalp continuously. There is a chance that the newly grafted hair may fall off from the scalp. 

Pain: Some patients can feel pain, another common side effect. Hair transplantation in Kolkata is effective, and doctors recommend pain relief medicines for severe pain. 

Infection: Patients may have infection after a hair transplant. There is no need to worry, your dermatologist will prescribe some medicines to help you deal with the infection. Patients should follow the after care instructions carefully. Leaving the infection untreated can decrease the chances of new hair growth.   

Bleeding: Blood coming out from the affected area can be stopped by putting a soft sterilized cotton or gauze on the area. Patients should inform their dermatologists as soon as possible if they see blood coming out of the incision area. 

The chances of getting Hair transplantation in Kolkata is increasing manifold, people want to regain their lost confidence. Expert surgeons of Dr. Pauls Online can help you with this safe procedure of hair restoration. 

Some Long Term Adverse Effects Of The Hair Transplant

Swelling: Some patients may experience swelling on the temple area or near the eyes. The swelling usually reduces within a few days, but if it does not, it is advised to see the doctor.

Scarring: It is usual in the FUT method. The scars heal gradually and are treated with medicines. Do not worry; the new hair growth will cover the wounds, and you may not be able to see them.  

Cysts Formation: Sometimes, when the grafts are not appropriately removed, cysts can develop in those areas. Cysts are small-sized growths. Generally, they go away in a few weeks, but consulting the dermatologist is more advisable.

Numbness: Another long-term side effect that patients can feel for months. It usually declines with time, but if the patient experiences numbness for longer, they should get medical help. 

Permanent Loss Of Hair: Persons who undergo hair transplants can have hair fall in the donor area. This happens because of the grafts that were taken from this area. They may not see any hair growth in that particular area. So, it is essential to have good hair growth in the donor area to cover the grafts. 


A good hair transplant expert will make you aware of the potential complications after a hair transplant. Having a thorough understanding of these details about the adverse effects will help you manage the stress. Hair transplantation in Kolkata is conducted by experienced surgeons, which may help to reduce the ill effects. Dr.Pauls Online provides the best hair transplant in Kolkata, where dermatologists are skilled and can minimize the chances of infections with their careful precision. For more insights, consult the team today!


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